June 21, 2019, also known as the summer solstice and the Longest Day of the year, was filled with sunshine, smiles and great company. A team from Mercaptor, which we call Mercaptains and our Mutts hiked three miles in support of those living with and affected by Alzheimer’s disease (AD) while also honoring those lost to the disease. The hike looped up to Ammo Hill and back to the walking path located at Hamilton Landing near Mercaptor Discoveries’ headquarters. On the hike the team and our furry friends enjoyed an abundance of birds, a nice summer’s breeze and the beauty of nature, reminding us all to appreciate each day and make new memories. We are all even more energized and inspired to work toward finding a cure. Collectively Team Mercaptains and Mutts raised $400 to support the Alzheimer’s Association research efforts. With light, hard work and research team Mercaptains and Mutts hope to fight the darkness of AD.